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[!] 版本通知: 以下代码适用于旧版本的 Lua,Lua 4。它在 Lua 5 下无法运行。

Lua 提供了用于调试的工具,但它们没有得到很好的宣传。您可以使用 _ERRORMESSAGE 获取堆栈回溯,并且可以修改 _ALERT 以调用 debug,以便在发生错误时检查全局变量。只需添加少量代码,您甚至可以转储局部变量。 [1]

这段代码 [2] 中存在一个错误。

      1 require'simpledebugger.lua'
      3 function here( t, str, pat )
      4   assert( type(t,'table'), 'expecting a table' )
      5   assert( type(str,'string'), 'expecting a string' )
      6   pat = pat or '$(%b<>)'
      7   local f = function(w)
      8     local m = t[strsub(w,2,-2)] or w
      9     if type(m,'function') then m = m(t) end
     10     return tostring(m)
     11   end
     12   return( gsub( str, pat, f ) )
     13 end
     15 temp = [[ 
     16   this is a $<x> for $<y>
     17 ]]
     18 local tab = { x = 'test', y = 'fun' }
     19 write( here( tab, temp ) )
     20 write( here( temp, tab ) )
     21 print"game over"
$ lua -v testdebugger.lua 
Lua 4.1 (work4)  Copyright (C) 1994-2001 TeCGraf, PUC-Rio
  this is a test for fun
error: assertion failed!  expecting a table
stack traceback:
   1:  function `assert' [C]
   2:  function `here' at line 4 [file `testdebugger.lua']
   3:  main of file `testdebugger.lua' at line 20
我们可以转储堆栈级别 2 的局部变量,我们会发现该函数被调用时参数被交换了。
lua_debug> locals(2)
t = " \
  this is a $<x> for $<y>\
str = { -- table: 0x80649b8
  y = "fun",
  x = "test"
pat = nil
您还可以转储堆栈中更上层的局部变量。输入 cont 退出 debug
lua_debug> locals(3)
tab = { -- table: 0x80649b8
  y = "fun",
  x = "test"
lua_debug> cont
如果我们在第 8 行之后添加 stop"it",我们可以检查函数 here 中的变量。
$ lua -v testdebugger.lua 
Lua 4.1 (work4)  Copyright (C) 1994-2001 TeCGraf, PUC-Rio
error: it
stack traceback:
   1:  function <7:file `testdebugger.lua'> at line 9
   2:  function `gsub' [C]
   3:  function `here' at line 13 [file `testdebugger.lua']
   4:  main of file `testdebugger.lua' at line 20
lua_debug> locals()
w = "<x>"
m = "test"
lua_debug> cont
error: it
stack traceback:
   1:  function <7:file `testdebugger.lua'> at line 9
   2:  function `gsub' [C]
   3:  function `here' at line 13 [file `testdebugger.lua']
   4:  main of file `testdebugger.lua' at line 20
lua_debug> locals()
w = "<y>"
m = "fun"
lua_debug> cont
  this is a test for fun
game over

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