Scite 计算器 |
描述: SciTECalculator 是一个自包含的 SciTE "应用程序",当您运行脚本时,它会在新的缓冲区窗口中打开。计算器看起来像一个用文本模式绘制的计算器,可以通过按键和鼠标双击操作。您可以像使用普通计算器一样使用它。
作为 Lua 脚本,它可以轻松扩展以满足用户的需求。SciTECalculator 与 SciteExtMan 兼容。对于使用比例字体的用户,可以使用 SciteMakeMonospace 来避免总是切换到等宽字体模式的麻烦。
+------------------------------------------------+ | SciTE Basic Calculator ver. 0.5 | +------------------------------------------------+ |/-\/---\/--------------------------------------\| || ||Dec|| 0 || |\-/\---/\--------------------------------------/| |------------------------------------------------| | +-----+-----+-----+-----+ +----+-----+------+ | | | Hex | Dec | Oct | Bin | | <- | C | AC | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+ +----+-----+------+ | | +----+ +-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+ | | | MC | | 7 | 8 | 9 | | / | Mod | And | | | +----+ +-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+ | | | MR | | 4 | 5 | 6 | | * | Or | Xor | | | +----+ +-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+ | | | MS | | 1 | 2 | 3 | | - | Lsh | Not | | | +----+ +-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+ | | | M+ | | 0 | +/- | . | | + | = | Int | | | +----+ +-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+ | | +----+ +-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+ | | | PI | | A | B | C | | D | E | F | | | +----+ +-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+ | +------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | SciTE Basic Calculator by <[email protected]> 20060904 | | Use by pressing keys as you would in a normal calculator, | | or double-click the "buttons". Press 'H' for help. | +-----------------------------------------------------------+
Help for SciTE Basic Calculator ------------------------------- The following keys are recognized by the calculator: [Space] All clear (AC) X Cancel number (C) Z, \ Delete last character (<-) [Enter], = Evaluate (=) 1-9, A-F Digits, hexadecimal digits . Decimal point /, *, -, + Basic operations Q, R, S, T Memory operations (MC, MR, MS, M+) I Truncate fractional portion (Int) H Toggle help screen [, ] Switch radix This calculator is not meant for heavy-duty work. Non-decimal bases and some operations can only work with 32 bit signed integers. There is no support for scientific notation entry. This script has been declared by the author to be public domain code. Author information can be found in the Lua sources. See for more scripts. Press H again to return to the calculator display...