Scite Ascii 表格 |
-- ASCII Table for SciTE; khman 20050812; public domain function ASCIITable() local Ctrl = false -- set to true if ASCII<32 appear as valid chars scite.Open("") local hl = " +----------------+\n" editor:AddText("ASCII Table:\n"..hl.."Hex |0123456789ABCDEF|\n"..hl) local start = Ctrl and 0 or 32 for x = start, 240, 16 do editor:AddText(string.format(" %02X |", x)) for y = x, x+15 do editor:AddText(string.char(y)) end editor:AddText("|\n") end editor:AddText(hl) if not Ctrl then editor:AddText( "\nControl Characters:\n".. " 00: NUL SOH STX ETX\n 04: EOT ENQ ACK BEL\n".. " 08: BS HT LF VT\n 0C: FF CR SO SI\n".. " 10: DLE DC1 DC2 DC3\n 14: DC4 NAK SYN ETB\n".. " 18: CAN EM SUB ESC\n 1C: FS GS RS US\n" ) end end
--Ben Fisher, 2006, Public domain function ascii_table() local padnum = function (nIn) if nIn < 10 then return "00"..nIn elseif nIn < 100 then return "0"..nIn else return nIn end end local overrides = { [0]="(Null)", [9]="(Tab)",[10]="(\\n Newline)", [13]="(\\r Return)", [32]="(Space)"} local c for n=0,126 do if overrides[n] then c = overrides[n] else c = string.char(n) end print (padnum(n).." "..c) end end
-------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Ascii Table -- Original code by Ben Fisher -- Improved by Paul Heasley ( -------------------------------------------------------------------- function AsciiTable() local overrides = { [0]="(Null)", [9]="(Tab)",[10]="(\\n Newline)", [13]="(\\r Return)", [32]="(Space)"} local c for n=0,126 do if overrides[n] then c = overrides[n] else c = string.char(n) end print (string.format("%03d 0x%02x %s", n, n, c)) end end