Python 列表 |
[Python] 是一种流行的语言,包含列表和字典。Lua 的 table 是一种多用途容器,介于两者之间,但本身缺乏作为列表的功能。Lua 标准库中的函数 table.insert
和 table.getn
为 table 提供了列表功能(或更确切地说,在 Lua 中称为数组)。下面的列表模拟了 Python 的列表类型。Python 教程的第 5.1 节 [1] 文档记录了 Python 的列表功能。
我们创建了一个名为 List
的 table 类,其中包含方法。我们使用 Lua 的索引元方法来调用 List
方法(有关背景信息,请参阅 ClassesAndMethods)。
此版本已针对 Lua 5.1 重写(尽管保留了原始版本),并添加了对连接和相等运算符的重载。对于切片,开始和结束现在是**包含**范围,这更符合 Lua 的风格。还有一个 slice_assign
方法用于 Python 结构 s[i1:i2] = seq
-- SteveDonovan
lst = List:new() -- create an empty List lst2 = List:new{1,2,"blah",lst} -- create a list with some items in lst3 = List {10,20,30} -- List acts like a 'constructor' -- Our new methods lst:append("hello") lst:extend{"world", 35, 77, "?"} lst:insert(3,"how?") lst:remove(35) q = lst:pop() print( lst:index("world") ) print( lst:count("?") ) lst:sort() lst:reverse() print( lst[-2] ) a = lst:slice(3) b = lst:slice(-4,-2) lst:clear() lst:range(77) -- We can mix them with Lua's library calls table.insert(lst,"boo") print(#lst)
此交互式会话演示了一些操作。请注意,这些列表对象可以像函数一样调用,这是 slice
C:\lang\lua\projects\libs>lua Lua 5.1.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2007, PUC-Rio > require 'pylist' > a = List {10,20,30} > b = List {1,2,3} > = a..b {10,20,30,1,2,3} > = a:slice(2,3) {20,30} > = a[-1] 30 > = a:index(30) 3 > a:append(40) > = a {10,20,30,40} > = List {1,2} == List{1,2} true > = List {1,2} == List{1,4} false > = a(2,-1) {20} > = a(-2) {20,30}
-- Emulation of Python lists -- Nick Trout -- See, section 5.1 -- Note:The comments before some of the functions are from the Python docs -- and contain Python code. -- Written for Lua version 4.0 -- Redone for Lua 5.1, Steve Donovan. local tinsert = table.insert local tremove = table.remove local tsort = table.sort local write = io.write -- metatable for our list objects List = {} List.__index = List -- we give the metatable its own metatable so that we can call it like a function! _ListMT = {} setmetatable(List,_ListMT) function _ListMT.__call(tbl,arg) return List:new(arg) end -- Handle the index event -- note: this is called if something is _not_ present in the table. These are either -- negative indices, method names, or bad indices. function List:__index(i) local typ = type(i) if typ=="string" then local fn = List[i] if not fn then error("Bad List function: "..i) end return fn elseif typ=="number" then if i<0 then local sz = #self if i<-sz then error("List index out of range: "..i) end return self[sz+i+1] else error("Bad list index: "..i) end end end -- The newindex event handles list[i] = val, if i is not present in -- the list - used for negative indices! function List:__newindex(i,val) if type(i)=="number" then if i<0 then local sz = #self if i<-sz then error("List index out of range: "..i) end self[sz+i+1] = val else error("Bad list index: "..i) end end end local function simple_table(t) return type(t) == 'table' and getmetatable(t) ~= List end -- Create a new list. Can optionally pass a list eg. x=List:new{1,2,3} -- passing another instance of List will cause a _copy_ to be created -- we pass anything which isn't a simple table to iter() to work out -- an appropriate iterator function List:new(t) if not t then t={} elseif not simple_table(t) then local tbl = t t = {} for i,v in iter(tbl) do tinsert(t,v) end end setmetatable(t,List) return t end --Add an item to the end of the list; equivalent to a[len(a):] = [x]. function List:append(i) tinsert(self,i) end -- Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list; -- equivalent to a[len(a):] = L. function List:extend(L) assert(type(L)=="table","List:extend expecting a table") for i,v in ipairs(L) do tinsert(self,v) end end -- Insert an item at a given position. The first argument is the index of the -- element before which to insert, so a.insert(0, x) inserts at the front of -- the list, and a.insert(len(a), x) is equivalent to a.append(x). function List:insert(i, x) tinsert(self,i,x) end -- equivalent of Python's del s[i] List.delete = tremove -- Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. -- It is an error if there is no such item. function List:remove(x) for i=1,#self do if self[i]==x then tremove(self,i) return end end error("List:remove failed, item not found") end -- Remove the item at the given position in the list, and return it. -- If no index is specified, a.pop() returns the last item in the list. -- The item is also removed from the list. function List:pop(i) if not i then i = #self end return tremove(self,i) end -- Return the index in the list of the first item whose value is x. -- It is an error if there is no such item. function List:index(x) for i=1,#self do if self[i]==x then return i end end error("List:index failed, item not found") end -- Return the number of times x appears in the list. function List:count(x) local cnt=0 for i=1,#self do if self[i]==x then cnt=cnt+1 end end return cnt end -- Sort the items of the list, in place. function List:sort() tsort(self) end -- Reverse the elements of the list, in place. function List:reverse() local t,n={},#self for i=1,n do t[i]=self[n-i+1] end -- reverse for i=1,n do self[i]=t[i] end -- copy back end local function normalize_slice(self,first,last) local sz = #self if not first then first=1 end if first<0 then first=sz+first+1 end -- make the range _inclusive_! if not last then last=sz end if last < 0 then last=sz+last end return first,last end -- Emulate the list slice eg. python_list[first:last] -- If first or last are negative then they are relative to the end of the list -- eg. slice(-2) gives last 2 entries in a list, -- eg. slice(-4,-2) gives from -4th to -2nd function List:slice(first,last) first,last = normalize_slice(self,first,last) local t=self:new() for i=first,last do tinsert(t,self[i]) end return t end -- empty the list function List:clear() for i=1,#self do tremove(self,i) end end -- Emulate Python's range(x) function which gives you a sequence of 0..x-1 -- Include it in List table for tidyness function List:range(x) local t=self if type(t) == 'number' then -- we did not get a self argument - it was a number! x = t t=List:new() end for i=0,x-1 do tinsert(t,i) end return t end -- Python len(list) is the same as #list function List:len() return #self end -- Extended operations -- -- equivalent to del s[i1:i2] function List:chop(i1,i2) i1,i2 = normalize_slice(self,i1,i2) for i = i1,i2 do tremove(self,i1) end end -- equivalent to s[idx:idx] = seq function List:splice(idx,seq) idx = idx - 1 for i,v in ipairs(seq) do tinsert(self,i+idx,v) end end -- general slice assignment s[i1:i2] = seq function List:slice_assign(i1,i2,seq) i1,i2 = normalize_slice(self,i1,i2) if i2 >= i1 then self:chop(i1,i2) end self:splice(i1,seq) end -- concatenation operator .. function List:__concat(L) local ls = self:slice(1,-1) -- making a copy! ls:extend(L) return ls end -- equality operator == function List:__eq(L) --~ print(#self,#L) if #self ~= #L then return false end for i = 1,#self do --~ print(self[i],L[i]) if self[i] ~= L[i] then return false end end return true end -- how our list should be rendered as a string -- note: really can't handle list items which are not strings or numbers function List:__tostring() return '{'..table.concat(self,',')..'}' end -- can use the call notation to extract slices! function List:__call(first,last) return self:slice(first,last) end function List:foreach(fun) for i,v in ipairs(self) do fun(v) end end -- capturing the Python concept of 'sequence'. -- In particular, this makes strings and file objects to be iterable sequences. function iter(seq) if type(seq) == 'string' then local idx = 0 local n = #seq local sub = string.sub return function () idx = idx + 1 if idx > n then return nil else return idx,sub(seq,idx,idx) end end elseif type(seq) == 'table' then return ipairs(seq) elseif type(seq) == 'function' then return seq() elseif type(seq) == 'userdata' and io.type(seq) == 'file' then local lines = seq:lines() local k = 0 return function () local line = lines() if not line then return nil else k = k + 1 return k,line end end end end -- test using: lua pylist.lua if arg and arg[0]=="pylist.lua" then local pr = function(l) for i=1,#l do io.write(l[i],' ') end print() end local lst = List:new() lst:append(10) lst:extend{20,30,40,50} assert (lst == List{10,20,30,40,50}) lst:insert(3,11) lst:remove(40) assert (lst == List{10,20,11,30,50}) local q=lst:pop() assert( lst:index(30)==4 ) assert( lst:count(10)==1 ) lst:sort() lst:reverse() assert (lst == List{30,20,11,10}) assert (lst[-1] == 10) assert (lst[-3] == 20) lst = List {10,20,30,40,50} assert (lst:slice(2) == List{20,30,40,50}) assert (lst:slice(-2) == List{40,50}) assert (lst:slice(nil,3) == List{10,20,30}) assert (lst:slice(2,4) == List{20,30,40}) assert (lst:slice(-4,-2) == List{20,30}) lst = List.range(10) seq = List{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} assert(lst == seq) assert (List('abcd') == List{'a','b','c','d'}) ls = List{10,20,30,40} ls:slice_assign(2,3,{21,31}) assert (ls == List{10,21,31,40}) end
lst = List:new() -- create an empty List lst2 = List:new{1,2,"blah",lst} -- create a list with some items in -- Our new methods lst:append("hello") lst:extend{"world", 35, 77, "?"} lst:insert(3,"how?") lst:remove(35) q = lst:pop() print( lst:index("world") ) print( lst:count("?") ) lst:sort() lst:reverse() print( lst[-2] ) a = lst:slice(3) b = lst:slice(-4,-2) lst:clear() lst:range(77) -- We can mix them with Luas syntax tinsert(lst,"boo") print(getn(lst))
-- Emulation of Python lists -- Nick Trout -- See, section 5.1 -- Note:The comments before some of the functions are from the Python docs -- and contain Python code. -- Written for Lua version 4.0 List = settag({},newtag()) -- Handle the tagmethod "index" function List:_index(i) local typ = type(i) if typ=="string" then local fn = List[i] if not fn then error("Bad List function: "..i) end return fn elseif typ=="number" then if i<0 then local sz = getn(self) if i<-sz then error("List index out of range: "..i) end return self[sz+i+1] else error("Bad list index: "..i) end end end settagmethod(tag(List), "index", List._index) -- Create a new list. Can optionally pass a list eg. x=List:new{1,2,3} function List:new(t) if not t then t={} end settag(t,tag(List)) return t end --Add an item to the end of the list; equivalent to a[len(a):] = [x]. function List:append(i) tinsert(self,i) end -- Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list; -- equivalent to a[len(a):] = L. function List:extend(L) assert(type(L)=="table","List:extend expecting a table") for i=1,getn(L) do tinsert(self,L[i]) end end -- Insert an item at a given position. The first argument is the index of the -- element before which to insert, so a.insert(0, x) inserts at the front of -- the list, and a.insert(len(a), x) is equivalent to a.append(x). function List:insert(i, x) tinsert(self,i,x) end -- Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. -- It is an error if there is no such item. function List:remove(x) for i=1,getn(self) do if self[i]==x then tremove(self,i) return end end error("List:remove failed, item not found") end -- Remove the item at the given position in the list, and return it. -- If no index is specified, a.pop() returns the last item in the list. -- The item is also removed from the list. function List:pop(i) local item=i if not item then item=getn(self) end return tremove(self) end -- Return the index in the list of the first item whose value is x. -- It is an error if there is no such item. function List:index(x) for i=1,getn(self) do if self[i]==x then return i end end error("List:index failed, item not found") end -- Return the number of times x appears in the list. function List:count(x) local cnt=0 for i=1,getn(self) do if self[i]==x then cnt=cnt+1 end end return cnt end -- Sort the items of the list, in place. function List:sort() sort(self) end -- Reverse the elements of the list, in place. function List:reverse() local t,n={},getn(self) for i=1,n do t[i]=self[n-i+1] end -- reverse for i=1,n do self[i]=t[i] end -- copy back end -- Emulate the list slice eg. python_list[first:last] -- If first or last are negative then they are relative to the end of the list -- eg. slice(-2) gives last 2 entries in a list, -- eg. slice(-4,-2) gives from -4th to -2nd function List:slice(first,last) local sz = getn(self) if not first then first=1 end if first<0 then first=sz+first+1 end if not last then last=sz else last=last-1 end if last<0 then last=sz+last+1 end local t=self:new() for i=first,last do tinsert(t,self[i]) end return t end -- empty the list function List:clear() for i=1,getn(self) do tremove(self,i) end end -- Emulate Pythons range(x) function which gives you a sequence of 0..x-1 -- Include it in List table for tidyness function List:range(x) local t=self if not t then t=List:new() end for i=0,x-1 do tinsert(t,i) end return t end -- Python len(list) is the same as getn List.len = getn -- test using: lua -f pylist.lua -test if arg and arg[1]=="-test" then local pr = function(l) for i=1,getn(l) do write(l[i]) end print() end local lst = List:new() lst:append("hello ") pr(lst) lst:extend{"world ","are ","you ","diddling ","?"} pr(lst) lst:insert(3,"how ") pr(lst) lst:remove("diddling ") pr(lst) local q=lst:pop() pr(lst) assert( lst:index("are ")==4 ) assert( lst:count("are ")==1 ) lst:sort() pr(lst) lst:reverse() pr(lst) tinsert(lst,"boo") pr(lst) print( getn(lst), lst:len(), List.len(lst) ) print( lst[1],lst[-1],lst[-3] ) --print( lst[0] ) -- test errors --print( lst[100] ) --print( lst[-100] ) write("list: ") pr(lst) write("[2:] : ") pr( lst:slice(2) ) write("[-2:] : ") pr( lst:slice(-2) ) write("[:3] : ") pr( lst:slice(nil,3) ) write("[:-2] : ") pr( lst:slice(nil,-2) ) write("[2:4] : ") pr( lst:slice(2,4) ) write("[-4:-2] : ") pr( lst:slice(-4,-2) ) lst:clear() pr(lst) pr( List:range(10) ) lst:range(20) pr(lst) end
Python 列表的另一个方便的功能(也可以在 Haskell[2] 中找到)是通过推导来指定列表:通过笛卡尔积生成列表并进行过滤变得更加容易和可读。Metalua 附带了此功能的粗略实现,以及其他一些习语,例如列表采样
-{extension "clist"} -- integers from 2 to 50, by steps of 2: x = { i for i = 2, 50, 2 } -- the same, obtained by filtering over all integers <= 50: y = { i for i = 1, 50 if i%2==0 } -- prime numbers, implemented in an inefficient way: local sieve, n = { i for i=2, 100 }, 1 while n < #sieve do sieve = { i for i in values(sieve[1 ... n]); i for i in values(sieve[n+1 ... #sieve]) if i%sieve[n] ~= 0 } n += 1 end table.print(sieve)
此语法(不带过滤子句)的另一种实现可以在 LuaMacros 中找到 -- SteveDonovan
有几个函数(如 List.index
)会抛出错误,而不是返回 false。这符合 Python 风格,但在 Lua 中更笨拙,因为内置的异常处理机制更笨拙。那么,这些方法应该返回布尔值吗?我们可以依赖于 nil
不是有效值,这与 Python 不同。
-- SteveDonovan