Lua 绳索

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Lua 绳索

由于字符串在 Lua 中是不可变对象,因此避免不必要地创建字符串非常重要。程序经常操作字符串以创建一些文本输出。一种策略是避免创建中间字符串,而是按正确顺序输出最终文本的所有部分。适合此目的的数据类型是绳索[1],其中

 rope ::= string | list of rope 

  local function walk(x,f)
    local typ, ok, bad = type(x),true
    local errmsg = "bad type (%s), %s"
    if typ == "string" then return pcall(f,x)
    elseif typ == "table" then
      local i,n = 1,#x
      while ok and i <= n do
        ok,bad = walk(x[i],f)
        i = i+1
      end -- while
      return ok,bad
      bad = errmsg:format(typ,typ and "" or "something undefined?")
      return nil,bad
    end -- if
  end -- function

  local mt = {
    push = function (self,x)
      local function f(y)
        if y and type(y) ~= "function" then
          self[#self + 1] =y
          return f
        elseif y then
          return function (z)
            return f(y(z))
          end -- function
        end -- if
      end -- function y
      return f(x)
    end; -- function push
    walk = walk;
    flatten = function(self)
      local o = {}
      local f = function (x) o[#o + 1] = x end -- function
      return table.concat(o)
    end; -- function

  function rope()
    return setmetatable({}, {__index = mt})
  end -- function
end -- do

t,x = rope(),rope()
t:push (string.upper) "m" "r" (string.char) (32) "Smith" ;
x:push [[ Good ]] [[morning]];
t:push (x)
t:walk(io.write) --> Mr Smith Good morning
print(t:flatten()) --> Mr Smith Good morning

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最后编辑于 2007 年 6 月 4 日下午 7:43 GMT (差异)