Bin To Cee

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bin2c 是一款将二进制文件转换为 C 字符串的工具,该字符串可以通过 #include 嵌入到 C 程序中。


例如,bin2c 可用于将 Lua 字节码嵌入到 C 二进制文件中,但它还有更广泛的用途(例如嵌入图像文件)。


Lua 发行版不再包含 bin2c.c,但您可以在早期版本(例如 Lua 5.0 [1])以及 [LuaBinaries] 中找到它。

bin2c 也可以用 Lua 编写。以下 Lua 版本旨在成为一个完整且改进的替代方案。该程序及其 C 输出都需要 Lua 5.1。您可以下载 [bin2c.lua],或直接在下面阅读。

Lua 对 bin2c 的重新实现

local description = [=[
Usage: lua bin2c.lua [+]filename [status]

Write a C source file to standard output.  When this C source file is
included in another C source file, it has the effect of loading and
running the specified file at that point in the program.

The file named by 'filename' contains either Lua byte code or Lua source.
Its contents are used to generate the C output.  If + is used, then the
contents of 'filename' are first compiled before being used to generate
the C output.  If given, 'status' names a C variable used to store the
return value of either luaL_loadbuffer() or lua_pcall().  Otherwise,
the return values of these functions will be unavailable.

This program is (overly) careful to generate output identical to the
output generated by bin2c5.1 from LuaBinaries.

Original author: Mark Edgar
Licensed under the same terms as Lua (MIT license).

if not arg or not arg[1] then

local compile, filename = arg[1]:match"^(+?)(.*)"
local status = arg[2]

local content = compile=="+"
  and string.dump(assert(loadfile(filename)))
  or assert(,"rb")):read"*a"

local function boilerplate(fmt)
  return string.format(fmt,
    status and "("..status.."=" or "",
    status and ")" or "",
    status and status.."=" or "",

local dump do
  local numtab={}; for i=0,255 do numtab[string.char(i)]=("%3d,"):format(i) end
  function dump(str)
    return (str:gsub(".", numtab):gsub(("."):rep(80), "%0\n"))

/* code automatically generated by bin2c -- DO NOT EDIT */
/* #include'ing this file in a C program is equivalent to calling
  if (%sluaL_loadfile(L,%q)%s==0) %slua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0); 
/* %s */
static const unsigned char B1[]={
]=], dump(content), boilerplate[=[


 if (%sluaL_loadbuffer(L,(const char*)B1,sizeof(B1),%q)%s==0) %slua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0);


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